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Energy Work Happens

Writer's picture: CarmenCarmen

Energy work does not get any better than this. I've been getting it now for a few weeks and BOY does it help! It was a New Year's Day surprise, them telling me. Little did I know that Yuta had begun on Christmas. What I DID know was strange sensations were taking place.

Some are DNA upgrades, others, energy work. Either way, my rewards of keeping the faith and not taking easy way out, do not cease to amaze me. I was still using my chart when they told me. And with it comes texting on their part.

  • U = you

  • ilu = I love you

  • TTEWO = taking the easy way out

  • MCBL = money can't buy love

  • LINAC = love is not a choice

  • MTTMP = money takes too much precedence.

As she kept listing more, I thought... I need to ask if she's joking. Sure enough. My Pleiadian pals are so funny. But the first 2, they DO use. We edit this as I sit in Tooele, UT. Being near snow filled mountains, I get up to close window. Come back and say outloud, "it's cold out there." Pick up my merkaba, which is what I like to use to edit, and she says... "It's DAMN cold out there." Needless to say, we make each other laugh!

Anyhow, here's how I found out I could ask for energy work anytime I want. Tho, to keep my responses separate from theirs, mine are in uppercase.

January 1, 2016

"U don't need time leeches. Your energy is needed for u and book. U are channeling divine information and nobody should interfere. U will be needing massage everyday. U can ask Yuta for some. OMGOODNESS, THAT WOULD BE WONDERFUL! She gives the best! YAY! CAN I GET A SAMPLE NOW? Yes. DO I NEED TO LAY DOWN? Yes. 😇Hm...

And so she did with white purple light." Guides that spoke that time were my mother with wings, and Puya, Teso & Yuta, my Pleiadian pals. I continue to get massage energetically. Only now, she's unveiling thee other tricks she's had up her sleeves. Some that often times feel like a Sci-Fi movie. The ones where they create a person in 3D from a grid on computer.

She's also begun working on my head now. Versus neck, shoulders and back. Work is being done on a cellular level. Where there are no aches or pains, it feels like a lot of pulsating and gentle tapping. Like she's reconstructing, making things new. Some serious work going on, that's all I know. I feel like a giant with all these little people working on me as I rest. Only I'm not a giant, and she's far from little.

And where I do have muscle spasms, pain or a misaligned bone, it feels like waves of energy. Up, in and to the sides. Like the breeze of a magic wand. She also does what my osteopath does. Thank God, because, truck 24/7 = not comfy. She stretches and realigns things. Taking the pain away almost instantly.

When it comes to my right knee (that works its way out), it feels like restless leg syndrome. Or Terrets from the thigh down. It is all part of my DNA upgrade they say. but she is putting and keeping my knee in place. My osteopath will be happy, and I know not too surprised. Since my last visit, I told him I've become a Medium. Enough about me, here's what Yuta has to say about it...

"It started with Carmen asking for Cosmo-metic 'surgery' since we are requiring her to go braless. I figured, I'd bump it up a notch and give her extra special treatment. Not that she asked for it, or needed it, but going thru Ascension can be rough. It takes its toll, especially when you don't rest.

We told her from the start, she'd look more like us, the Pleiades. And younger. She has yet to believe us on this one. But does see her eyes turning blue. Grey blue at times. Even as she type this, she's skeptical. But she does what we ask and for that she is rewarded.

What I'm doing is no different than what energy workers do on planet earth. Except, she is an Ascended Master, so I'm giving her above and beyond what earthlings can do. She's a believer and that's why she takes the chances she does. Ridicule only ridicules the riddler. Have faith and watch thee unbelievable before your eyes too. Except for Saint Carmen, thee Urban Ascended Master, it is becoming reality.

It is time she rest. Because during that time she is granted more energy to share with all of you. Believe it or not, she's only just begun." ~her masseuse on call, Yuta the Pleiade~

Only time will tell what I wil look like a year from now. Today was the first day I noticed the most change on my face. My hair has been more straight lately. But mainly because, 1. I often sleep with a beanie on in the truck (don't like fake heating 24/7) and, 2. Hair is in need of a trim.

I shall heed her advice and rest. I'll grab a beanie while I'm at it. Surrounded by snow it gets nippy. And temps need to stay somewhat cool to keep "the captain" awake. I don't mind it to a certain extent because being cold has anti aging effects.

And to think I referred to my rest as mandatory time-outs. HA! Rest is no longer an issue.

Energy Work Happens!

May you be well, warm and blessed.


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