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Heaven Or Hell

Writer's picture: CarmenCarmen

In wanting to commend someone thee other morning, I ran it past my Guides. I was told NOT to post on social media for a certain individual (for reasons I won't share). I was however, granted permission to share here. What got me closer to Source. Something I discovered decades ago...

"It is better to be miserable a short time and go thru Hell, than the rest of your life, and live in it."

Nada mas. Well. That, and...

"Become better, not bitter. More powerful, not pitiful."

Why? Because curling up in fetal position and waking up when "it's" over, is easy. Should those not work for you. A few other things that helped me throughout the years?

Being a woman of color, in construction. In Arizona from 1994 to 2001, was not easy. For more reasons I care to share, right here and now. I'll just say, these are the verses that helped me thru that period of my life...

"Greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world."


"I can do all things thru Christ who gives me strength."

**where those are in the Bible, kemo sabe. No WiFi on 18-wheels.

So. Yes, I was religious for 2+/- years of my life. So much so, my tithing, I mean income tax got audited. Mother also referred to me as, a Holy Roller 😆

That period of my life served me well. However, I had to get OUT. "Backsliding" became counterproductive for me. I often left feeling worse. Thankfully, what spoke to me was the music. And for that, I don't need 4 walls anymore. My Guides are available 24/7. I pray/talk to them all the time. Even before they began answering 😁

My music and daily conversations are my religion. Being grounded to Mother Earth thru diet, detox, and bare foot'n in nature, my spirituality (and vice versa). Golden Rule living--my tithe. And humor--my saving grace.

Life is good, in these smaller than small 4 moving walls. May you be blessed to start the journey to your Zen spot.

The End

Me: any of my 75 Guides wanna chime in? "We love that you care for everyone, but you must let go of some." ~Nana Carmen~ "You are too nice to everybody. Stop." ~mom with wings~ "Many people take advantage of you." ~Homa, 1 of 27 Pleiadian pals~

Okay, since my Guides see everything, and are always in love and protection mode. They didn't exactly give me the kinda blurb I thought they would. Yet, they wanted me to post these.

I had to cut them off, just so I could finish this post. Not without some great "off the record" conversation with each. Anyhow, my dear Mother Teresa ends with this...

"You do not enter the kingdom of heaven without going thru Hell first. Only when you allow

truth in your heart will you find peace." ~Mother Teresa, her Saint in heaven~

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